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Thursday 16 July 2015

Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease

Acid reflux disease is a distressing condition that occurs when the stomach juices are thrown into the
esophagus and this will cause severe burning sensation, chest pain and pain in the patient. Several
causes can be attributed to it, though the main one is intake of hot and spicy food. There are some    remedies that can be used for treating acid reflux disease. Here are a few.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar restores the pH balance in the stomach, which helps in neutralizing the acidity in
the stomach, and calms your stomach immediately. Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with
the „mother‟ and add half a cup of water to this. As having a meal, and especially spicy and hot one
can cause acid reflux disease in people who are prone to it, the mixture has to be taken before every
meal to keep the stomach relaxed and calm and to prevent the over activity of the digestive juices.
Take this mixture at least half an hour before every meal to prevent as well as treat acid reflux

Baking Soda
Another natural pH restoring agent, baking soda helps by neutralizing the acid-base balance and
restoring the troubled stomach to normalcy. Take a teaspoon of baking soda and add this to a glass of
water. Soon the solution will start fizzing. Drink it immediately for immediate relief.

Licorice root works by acting as a protective sheath around the stomach walls and this will prevent
acid reflux disease from troubling you. Licorice root gel or supplements can be taken in tincture form
or extracts, or as a tea for making useof its medicinal properties. Take the herbal remedy before
meals or as directed by the herbalist. The protective gel that forms around the stomach walls will
also prevent the walls from getting damaged due to severe and frequent acid reflux.

Copyright Disclaimer: We do not tend to cure or treat any disease.

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